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Introduction To Spatial Design is a module designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the essential components of architectural and spatial design, including design elements, principles, concepts, and terminology. Through a series of practical exercises and creative explorations, the module aims to foster a deep comprehension and practical application of design principles. By the end of the course, students will have the ability to analyze and express their design concepts effectively, considering spatial relationships within specific contextual conditions.











Throughout this module, my learning journey has been incredibly enriching. One of the primary skills I acquired was model-making, as this was the first model-making module I took. I believe this skill will benefit me greatly as I continue my degree.


Additionally, I learned how to design spaces using design elements and principles, which was a completely new topic for me. It was challenging, and I faced difficulties along the way. I must express my gratitude to my lecturer and tutors for their invaluable help and guidance throughout this module, which enabled me to successfully complete my final projects.


Furthermore, I have acquired three TGCs through this research paper. The first TGC I have chosen is TGC 1.0: Discipline Specific Knowledge as I have deeper understanding of design elements and principles in spacial design. Besides, developed TGC 2.0: Problem Solving, Critical, and Creative Thinking Skills. Confronted with time management challenges, I honed my ability to find practical solutions and make informed decisions to efficiently allocate my time. Consequently, I successfully completed all the assigned tasks within the given time frame. Moreover,  I attained TGC 3.0: Communication Skills. I can clearly express my actual ideas to others through infographic methods.


This is the hardest module I've ever taken in the FNBE, and that's because space is a very abstract thing that often confused me when I was new to the field. Each assignment in this subject required modelling and slide compilation. If you look at the first assignment and see the last one, you will see that I have actually improved a lot. From not knowing what I was doing at the beginning until having my own narrative of space and being able to express it clearly to others, this process was very valuable to me and proved that the lectures were really useful, haha.


I don't know how many days I've stayed up all night to complete the assignments for this module but I understand that this is something that I have to go through in order to become an architectural student, and I'll go through it even more when I go to my degree. I will always miss those days when I stayed up all night with my friends at the design studio and X-Space making models before the deadline.


Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude once again to my professors and tutors and even my panel during external reviews. They really gave me a lot of valuable advice, help and encouragement, which I think will help me a lot during my degree programme!





Discipline Specific Knowledge

problem solving, critical and creative thinking skills

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communication skills

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